The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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September 16, 1979, to December 16, 1979 |

15 New Talents: A 15th Anniversary Exhibition

“15 New Talents: a 15th Anniversary Exhibition” continues the Aldrich Museum tradition of presenting painting and sculpture by emerging artists who have no had one-person shows in New York City art galleries. From previous exhibitions of new talent, begun in 1971 at the Aldrich Museum, more than sixty artists now have gallery affiliation and have had one-person exhibitions in New York city and elsewhere. The works in “15 New Talents” were selected directly from the artists’ studios with emphasis, when possible, on their most recent efforts.

Artists: Arlyne Bayer, Tony Bechara, Loren D. Calaway, Biff Elrod, Fred Guyot, Thea Halo, Kazuko Inoue, Stephen Jonassen, Lenore Malen, Christopher Perry, Alice Phillips, Thaddeus Piersa, Masaaki Sato, Vivian Scott, Stephen Shank