The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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April 21, 1974 to August 18, 1974 |

Contemporary Reflections 1973-74

The Third Annual Contemporary Reflections Exhibition firmly establishes a tradition for the Aldrich Museum of presenting recent works by new artists, selected directly from their studios. The experience of the past two years has proven that a valid service is being performed for both the artists and the public. Many valuable contacts have developed between artists represented and collectors, and between many of the artists and galleries who have given them their first solo exhibitions.

A primary aim of the exhibition is to become an authentic reflection of contemporary trends as they are appearing and as seen through the works of young talent or the emerging artist of any age who is making a fresh statement. It is also the aim of the Aldrich Museum to take a decisive step towards the encouragement of emerging artists by providing the opportunity for the public to see their work in a formal museum at the time when it may make an important difference in their careers.

An outstanding base collection has been formed by the Aldrich Museum in its first two Contemporary Reflections exhibition purchases. The Third Annual Contemporary Reflections Exhibition has been formed on a loan basis with the artist. This new policy will be followed in future Contemporary Reflections exhibitions.

Artists: Ellsworth Ausby, Gary Bandy, Martin Berkon, Cathey Billian, Elena Borstein, Elaine Breiger, Charlotte Brown, Muriel Castanis, David Crum, Barbara Garber, Shirley Gorelick, Todd Granzow, Denise Green, Ilise Greenstein, Julie Gross, Judie Hand de Gomez, Nathan Horowitz, Helene Hui, Robert Jacks, Donna Dennis, Mary Beth Edelson, Carol Engelson, Solomon Ethe, John A. Fekner, Seena Fish, Joseph Fisher, Reginald Fludd, Deborah S. Freedman, Christine Jordan, Steve Kelsey, Richard Kinnaird, Andrea Klein, Nancy Lagin, Elliott Lloyd, Arline Matles, Helen Meyrowitz, Alex McFarlane, Susan Nakata, Sophie Newman, Jerry L. Noe, Annette Oko, Mitchell Peerless, Basilios Poulos, Louis Pruitt, Leonard Ragouzeos, Gordon R. Richardson, Fran Riche, Tomiyo Sasaki, John Schiebold, Barbara Schwartz, Constance Schwartz, Joan Semmel, Judy Seigel, Christina Olson Spiesel, Eileen Spikol, Carole Clark Stein, Anita Steckel, Alan Steele, Tom Steigerwald, Erica Stroller, Racelle Strick, Arnold Wechsler