The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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October 20, 1990, to January 6, 1991 |

German Photography: Documentation and Introspection

Germany Photography: Documentation and Introspection presents the work of nine artists, all of whom share a national heritage. Statistics reveal that the number of artists using the photographic medium in this country is enormous. However, the reason for the proliferation of the use of this art form is as mysterious as the medium itself was once thought to be. Perhaps the fascination lies in the Germanic obsession with documentation, or more simply it is a tool used as a means of expression.

Curated by Ellen O’Donnell Rankin

Artists: Bernd and Hilla Becher, Karl Blossfeldt, Günther Förg, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Thomas Ruff, August Sander, Thomas Struth