The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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September 13, 1998, to January 3, 1999 | Old Hundred

Here: Artist’s Interventions at the Aldrich Museum

One of the most idiosyncratic qualities of the Aldrich Museum is our building. Originally built in 1783, the structure has been expanded and modified many times during its two hundred years as a home, shop, church, and ultimately, contemporary art museum. This quirky, domestic-scale building, with its hidden windows, vestigial fire-places, and scarred wooden floors is a defining characteristic of the Aldrich, exerting a subtle and pervasive influence on all the exhibition we mount. The influence usually extends only as far as the installation of an exhibition, not its content; in that case of Here: Artist's Interventions at The Aldrich Museum, the invited artists have taken great advantage of our building, exploiting its unique character in their work.

The twelve artists included in Here work in a variety of media, and in a variety of places: California, Connecticut, England, Minnesota, New York, and Wales. All of them have responded to our building and its grounds, creating work which is often domestic in scale or reference, or sited to take advantage of the specifics of this location. Here celebrates the tradition of facilitating the creation of new work by relating closely to the museum's building.

Artists: Roberley Bell, Lee Boroson, Mary Esch, Judy Fox, David Gelfman, Justen Ladda, Liza Lou, Sharon Louden, David Nash, Michelle Segre, Susan Stockwell, Brian Tolle

Installation Photos


Top image: Lee Boroson, "Cake Walk," 1998, Courtesy of the artist.