The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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April 27, 1980, to August 31, 1980 |

Mysterious and Magical Realism

Our Mysterious and Magical Realism exhibition moves us away from literalism, but still maintains a base of realism. Of course, things are not always what they appear to be. There is a richness of symbolism that envelopes each piece.

Artists: Pierre Alechinsky, Horst Antes, Samuel Bak, Robert Beauchamp, Varujan Boghosian, Fernando Botero, Enrique Castro-Cid, Corneille, Joseph Cornell, Dado, Salvador Dalí, Jean Dubuffet, Louis Michel Eilshemius, Philip Evergood, Mary Frank, Gregory Gillespie, Sidney Goodman, Alexander Hollweg, Hundertwasser, Jess Collins, Asger Jorn, Ellen Lanyon, Josef Levi, Richard Lindner, Rómulo Macció, René Magritte, Marisol, Roberto Matta, Lowell Nesbitt, Alfonso Ossorio, Irving Petlin, Marcel Picard, Reinhoud, Larry Rivers, Mark Rothko, George Segal, Franciszek Starowieyski, Marjorie Strider