The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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April 29, 1979, to September 2, 1979 | 1

The Minimal Tradition

The Aldrich Museum hopes that you find its spring show, “Minimal Tradition,” a rewarding one. Minimal art is not an easy art; often there does not appear to be much to see. The subject matter, composition, and color of abstract expressionism, pop art, or realism is generally lacking. The great philosopher José Ortega Y Gasset, in writing about the art of the day in 1925, said that the task it sets itself is enormous: it wants to create from naught. “Later, I expect, it will content with less and achieve more.” You will have to decide for yourself if he was right about minimal art.

Artists: Carl Andre, Stephen Antonakos, Jo Baer, Ronald Bladen, Mel Bochner, Kenneth Capps, Walter De Maria, Jackie Ferrara, Roland Gebhardt, Robert Grosvenor, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Lyman Kipp, Barry Le Va, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Brenda Miller, Robert Morris, Mary Miss, Barnett Newman, Kenneth Noland, Ad Reinhardt, Dorothea Rockburne, Robert Ryman, Richard Serra, Joel Shapiro, Tony Smith, Robert Smithson, Frank Stella, Jackie Winsor
