The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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April 17, 1966 to June 26, 1966 |

Tenth Anniversary Exhibition: Brandeis University Creative Art Awards 1957-1967

In 1957, upon recommendation of Dr. Abraham L. Sachar, President of Brandeis University, the Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the Brandeis Creative Arts Awards Commission to execute the Creative Arts Awards Program. This was done as an expression of the University’s conviction that educational institutions have an important role to play in the encouragement and development of the artistic and cultural life of America. Awards have been presented annually in four fields, Fine Arts, Literature, Music, and Theatre Arts, by professional juries selected by the Creative Arts Awards Commission. In each of these fields two awards are bestowed. Medals are awarded to established artists in recognition of a lifetime of distinguished achievement and honor is conferred on younger artists for the furtherance of their creative careers.

As one of the major events commemorating the tenth anniversary of this program, the Larry Aldrich Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut is holding a loan exhibition to review the achievement of the twenty painters and sculptors who have been honored. Eighty works of art have been borrowed from galleries, museums, and private collections representing the work of the artists.

The Creative Arts have played a central role in the educational process of Brandeis from the first years of its existence and the tradition of fostering the Fine Arts at both levels of creation and appreciation continues in the many programs and activities at Brandeis. The University views the Creative Arts Awards Program as a means of extending its support of creative artistic expression beyond the campus community.

Artists: Stuart Davis, Jimmy Ernst, Jacques Lipchitz, Richard Lippold, Edwin Dickinson, Theodoros Stamos, Naum Gabo, James Rosati, Karl Knaths, George Mueller, Alexander Calder, David Slivka, Georgia O’Keeffe, Ellsworth Kelly, David Smith, Peter Agostini, Mark Rothko, Kenneth Noland, Isamu Noguchi, Richard Stankiewicz
