The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

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Erin M. Riley

The imagery in Erin M. Riley’s tapestries is sourced from analogue and online media sources. The wools are hand dyed and woven on a floor loom. Appraising politicized themes, gender and sexuality, violence and vulnerability, intimacy and recovery, her latest body of work, made during the 2020 Covid lockdown, negotiates on- and off-line relationships. In Webcam 2, Riley composed a scene about desire and voyeurism. Space is collapsed through optical play, weaving together overlapping perspectives from the webcam on an open laptop to a mirror image that looks back at us. The pleasures of viewing and being observed instantaneously slide as reality pivots to fantasy.


Hear artist Erin M. Riley describe her work, "Webcam 2," (2020), in the Aldrich exhibition, 52 Artists: A Feminist Milestone.

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Top image: Erin M. Riley, Webcam 2, 2020. Courtesy of the artist and P·P·O·W, New York. Photo: Jason Mandella.